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[애니즈 메일박스] Time is valuable for everyone
Dear Annie: I just left my dermatologist’s office after waiting an hour to see him, and I’m furious. Don’t doctors realize that their patients’ time is also valuable? Another doctor left me sitting in his office for two hours, and I was the second appointment of the day. When I asked the receptionist why the long wait, she told me the doctor likes to flirt with the nurses at the hospital. This same doctor charged me for a hospital visit after he popped his head into my room to say he was running
June 24, 2013
[iBT Toefl Speaking] Question Type 1
토플 스피킹 ― 문제 유형 11. What was the most important decision you have made in your life?Explain in detail.당신의 삶에서 내렸던 제일 중요한 결정은 무엇이었습니까? 구체적으로 설명하시오.The most important decision I have made in my life was the decision I made to major in biology. When I was a senior in high school, I had trouble deciding what to major in college. I was interested in so many things and there were just too many majors to choose from. So I asked around and did a lot of research. Finally, I made my decision to major in bi
June 24, 2013
[영한대역] Bumpy road ahead for corporate farms
The debate on whether or not to cultivate corporate farms has heated up in Korea since a Dongbu Group subsidiary decided to pull out of its tomato production business in March, under pressure from farmers’ interest groups. Dongbu Farm Hannong, a leading crop producer in Korea, invested about 40 billion won ($36 million) to build and operate a 150,000-square-meter greenhouse farm for tomato production in Hwaong, an area of reclaimed land in Hwaseong, Gyeonggi Province. The government removed barr
June 24, 2013
[TOEIC] 전치사
토익 Part5에서 전치사 문제는 매달 약 3~5문제가 출제됩니다. 보기의 전치사를 해석으로 풀어야 하는 문제가 나오므로 출제되는 각 전치사의 의미를 모두 암기하도록 합니다. 1. Your employee identification that you asked for yesterday will be sent ------ you after registering for the company’s system.(a) until(b) from(c) to(d) on해설: ‘사원증이 당신에게 보내질 것’이라는 의미이므로 ‘~에게’라는 의미의 ‘to’를 정답으로 고른다. (a) until ‘~까지’ (b) from ‘~부터’ (d) on ‘~위에, ~에 대해’해석: 당신이 어제 요청한 사원증이 회사 시스템에 등록된 후 당신에게 보내질 것이다.어휘: identification: 신분확인, 신분확인증 register for: 등록하다정답 (c)2. So as to guarantee your room r
June 17, 2013
[영한대역기사] 극한 인생
As the airplane took off, Hong Hyun-sook, a middle-aged skydiving student, had butterflies in her stomach. She reminded herself of her instructions and checked her equipment over and over again.Finally, the door opened and she became more nervous. She had brief second thoughts, asking herself, “Why do I do this?”Moving up to the door to jump, she gave in, telling herself she had no choice. Then she hurled herself into the sky with her eyes clamped shut.“At that moment, I didn’t think,” Hong reca
June 17, 2013
토플을 공부하고 있는 대부분의 학생들이 writing 독립형 답안 작성을 할 때 조금 더 다양한 방법으로 자신의 생각을 쓰고 싶어 합니다. 앞으로 배우게 될 표현들은 눈으로만 보고 공부했다고 생각하지 마시고, 입으로 많이 읽어 자신의 것으로 만드셔야 시험에서 오류 없이 적용하실 수 있습니다. 서론을 쓸 때 사용할 수 있는 표현들1. I strongly believe that ~ 나는 ~라고 강하게 믿는다. 동의를 나타내는 표현입니다.I strongly believe that parents should not limit hours of watching television for their children.해석) 나는 부모님이 아이들의 TV 보는 시간을 제한하지 말아야 한다고 강하게 믿고 있다. 2. I can’t agree more with the statement that ~ 동의를 나타내는 표현입니다. *직역하면 ~주장에 더 이상 동의 할 수 없다. 즉 ~주장에 강하게 동의한다는
June 17, 2013
[GRE] John’s GRE Prep.
다음 문제는 GRE 문제로 대학 편입 시험에서도 흔히 볼 수 있는 유형이다. 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 수 있는 가장 적절한 단어를 고르는 문제이다.#1James had idolized the professor so much for so long that even after lunching with her several times he remained quite ――― in her presence, and as a result, he could not really be himself(A) pleased(B) disregarded(C) heartened(D) relaxed(E) inhibited위 문장은 so that 절 구조를 가지고 있다. James 는 교수를 너무나 idolize 우상화 해서 교수랑 같이 있으면 he could not really be himself 어찌할 바를 몰랐다. 이런 의미를 갖춘 단어는 inhibited (지나치게 억제된, 자유로이 행동[표현]하지 못하는; 내
June 17, 2013
[TOEFL] 토플 리스닝
많은 한국 학생들이 TOEFL Listening에서 단어 단위로는 잘 듣지만 숙어에 대한 이해 부족으로 정확히 지문을 파악하는데 어려움을 겪습니다. 다음 지문들을 단순히 눈으로만 보지 마시고 소리 내서 읽어보시면 앞으로 큰 도움이 될 것입니다. 1. account for: ~의 이유가 되다, 나타내다.An engine failure accounted for the plane crash. 엔진 고장이 비행기 추락의 원인 이었다.2. ally with: 동맹이 되다. 연결시키다.China seeks to ally with the UN to gain international approval. 중국은 국제 승인을 얻기 위해 UN과 동맹을 맺으려 한다.3. distinguish A from B: A와 B를 구별하다, 분간하다.I do not think you can distinguish right from wrong. 나는 네가 옭고 그름을 구분할 수 있다고 생각하지 않는다.4. coinci
June 10, 2013
[영한대역] 극단으로 치닷는 한국의 성형 유행
S. Korea’s plastic surgery fad goes extremeSouth Korea’s obsession with plastic surgery is moving on from standard eye and nose jobs to embrace a radical surgical procedure that requires months of often painful recovery.A stream of celebrities boast on TV shows how it gave them a “new life,” while advertisements extolling its cosmetic benefits are everywhere from street billboards to subway stations, magazines and popular Internet sites.But there’s nothing really “cosmetic” about double-jaw surg
June 10, 2013
[TOEIC] Part 2 선택의문문
Part 2의 선택의문문은 접속사 or을 이용해서 or의 앞 내용과 뒤의 내용을 물어보는 의문문입니다. 문장을 처음 들을 때 의문사나 동사류를 잘 기억하고 있다가 or을 듣자마자 or의 앞, 뒤의 내용을 파악하면 됩니다. or 앞의 내용을 기억하기 어려운 경우에는 or의 앞과 뒤는 비슷한 내용으로 연결되므로, or 뒤의 내용이라도 기억하도록 합니다. 문제 1. Will you contact the travel agency this afternoon or later?(a) Yes, I have traveled a lot.(b) The flight will be arriving this afternoon.(c) Actually, I called them in the morning.해설당신은 여행사에 오늘 오후 아니면 내일 연락하실래요? (질문에서 or앞 ‘today’와 뒤’later’을 기억한다)(a) 네, 저는 여행을 많이 했어요. (질문의 ‘travel’이 보기에도 쓰어 혼동하기 쉬
June 10, 2013
[GRE] John’s GRE Prep.
다음 문제는 GRE 문제로 대학 편입 시험에서도 흔히 볼 수 있는 유형이다. 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 수 있는 가장 적절한 단어를 고르는 문제이다.#1 Unfortunately, since courses in nutrition are often ―――――― medical school curriculums, a family physician is ―――――― to be an enlightening source of general information about diet.(A) questioned by encouraged(B) encountered among unable(C) unappreciated by expected(D) neglected in unlikely(E) squeezed into intended이 문장에서는 Unfortunately 가 큰 단서가 된다. 부정적인 표현이니까 첫 빈칸도 부정적인 단어가 오는 게 맞다. courses in nutrition 가 medical sc
June 10, 2013
[영한대역] Soul-searching through humanities 인문학을 통한 자기 성찰
Every Tuesday, a group of corporate executives and high-ranking government officials attend a lecture on humanities at Seoul National University. The program, named “Ad Fontes,” a Latin expression meaning “to the sources,” challenges the students in their 50s and 60s with fundamental questions about life. The students have to tackle the fundamental issues surrounding historic figures and influential books while absorbing knowledge from a diverse spectrum of studies from Oriental philosophy to li
June 3, 2013
[GRE] John’s GRE Prep.
GRE Prep. 다음 문제는 GRE 문제로 대학 편입 시험에서도 흔히 볼 수 있는 유형이다. 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 수 있는 가장 적절한 단어를 고르는 문제이다. It is assumed that scientists will avoid making ―――― claims about the results of their experiments because of the likelihood that they will be exposed when other researchers cannot ―――― their findings.(A) hypothetical evaluate(B) fraudulent duplicate(C) verifiable contradict(D) radical contest(E) extravagant dispute위 문장에서 they will be exposed 에서 they 가 무엇인지 알아야 한다. 바로 앞에 있는 ― claims 얘기하고 있고 그럼 이 claims 가 부
June 3, 2013
[사설] Willful blindness to what’s wrong
Last week, Sony rebuffed a proposal from hedge-fund investor Daniel Loeb for the company to sell off its entertainment divisions and focus on hardware. Sony Corp.’s curt dismissal of advice from a foreign expert didn’t shock Michael Woodford, the former chief executive officer of Olympus Corp. “Corporate Japan will do everything it can to mask and hide what’s wrong,” said Woodford, a Briton who was ousted in late 2011 after he exposed a $1.7 billion accounting fraud in his own company. The 93-ye
June 3, 2013
[Phrasal Verbs & Idioms] ‘Give’
The usage of 'Give'1. Give a ride: to drive somebody (태우다)Can you give me a ride to the airport?2. Give it a shot: to try to do something (give it a try) (시도해보다)I am not sure if I can win the contest, but I will give it a shot.3. Give one’s regards to: to say hello to someone for someone else (~에게 안부전하다)Give my regards to your father.4. Give someone a call: to call someone (전화하다)I will give you a call tomorrow.A. Complete each sentence with one of the expressions from the box below. Use the corr
June 3, 2013
[영한대역] Sound strategy for a jackpot
Sound strategy for a jackpot Some lucky person walked into a Publix supermarket in Zephyrhills Florida last Saturday and bought a ticket now worth an estimated $590.5 million ― the highest Powerball jackpot in history. It’s an amount *too high for many *to imagine. Compare it to the budget for the city of Zephyrhills*: This year’s figure is just more than $49 million. The winning Powerball jackpot is *12 times that.한 억세게 운 좋은 사람이 지난 토요일 플로리다 제퍼힐에 위치한 한 퍼블릭스 슈퍼마켓에 들어가 역대 최대액수의 파워볼 당첨금인 약 5억 9천
May 27, 2013
[iBT Toefl Speaking] Question Type 1
토플 스피킹 ― 문제 유형 11. What do you like to do when you have free time? Give reasons and examples to support your answer.여가시간에 무엇을 하는 것을 좋아합니까? 답변을 지지할 수 있는 이유들과 예를 드시오.I like listening to the music when I have free time for some reasons. First, it helps me to get rid of my stress. For example, whenever I listen to good classical music, I can forget about my work stress. Second, I can increase my work efficiency. Because I feel relaxed after listening to the music, my mind works better when I work. T
May 27, 2013
[Grammar] Phrasal Verbs & Idioms with ‘Get’
1. Get used to: to become more familiar with something ~(~에 익숙해지다)You have to get used to other cultures.2. Get along with: to be friendly with (어울려 지내다)Do you get along with your brother?3. Get rid of: to remove or throw away (=remove) (~을 없애다)I will get rid of my old books.4. Get on: to go into a bus, an airplane, a train, or a subway (≠get off) (~에 타다)Please get on the bus. A. Complete each sentence with one of the expressions from the box below. Use the correct verb form. get used to, get al
May 27, 2013
[GRE] John’s GRE Prep.
다음 문제는 GRE 문제로 대학 편입 시험에서도 흔히 볼 수 있는 유형이다. 문장의 빈칸에 들어갈 수 있는 가장 적절한 단어를 고르는 문제이다. The value of Davis’ sociological research is compromised by his unscrupulous tendency to use materials ――― in order to substantiate his own claims, while ――― information that points to other possible conclusions.(A) haphazardly deploying(B) selectively disregarding(C) cleverly weighing(D) modestly refuting(E) arbitrarily emphasizing우선 문장을 구조적으로 분석해 보면 데이비스의 사회학 연구 가치가 compromise 훼손 됐음을 알 수 있고, 그 이유는 by 라는 전치사부터 자세히
May 27, 2013
[TOEIC Part 1] 시제함정
Part 1은 하나의 사진을 보고 4개의 보기를 들어 사진에 가장 알맞은 답을 고르는 것입니다.Part 1에서 가장 주의해야 할 시제인 현재진행수동태와 현재완료수동태를 구분하면 어려운 시제 함정을 피할 수 있습니다.Part 1 기본시제1. 현재진행수동태(be being p.p) 현재 되어지는 중예) The room is being cleaned. 방이 청소 되는 중이다.2. 현재완료수동태(have been p.p) 과거에 되어진예) The truck has been loaded. 트럭에 (과거에) 짐이 실려져 있다. (현재 트럭에 이미 짐이 다 실려 있는 사진)문제1. 사람이 없는 해안가에 똑 같은 파라솔들이 줄지어 펼쳐져 있다.(a) There are many sunbathers on the beach.(b) All parasols are being folded.(c) Parasols are all identical.(d) Stools have been arranged on the
May 20, 2013