The Korea Herald


Pentagon declines to comment on whether to scrap 2018 inter-Korean military tension-reduction pact

By Yonhap

Published : Nov. 8, 2023 - 09:20

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Department of Defense deputy spokesperson Sabrina Singh is seen answering questions during a daily press briefing at the Pentagon in Washington on Aug. 15. (Yonhap) Department of Defense deputy spokesperson Sabrina Singh is seen answering questions during a daily press briefing at the Pentagon in Washington on Aug. 15. (Yonhap)

The US Department of Defense refused Tuesday to comment on a growing debate in South Korea over whether a 2018 inter-Korean military accord aimed at reducing border tensions should be suspended, saying it is a matter for South Korea to decide on.

Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary Sabrina Singh addressed the question during a press briefing as South Korean Defense Minister Shin Won-sik has made calls for the suspension of the Comprehensive Military Agreement, which critics argue limit South Korea's overall border security operations despite growing North Korean threats.

"That's something that the Republic of Korea would have to speak to and make a decision about," she said.

The fate of the CMA has been thrust into doubt due to the North's repeated violations, including its drone infiltrations late last year. Defense Minister Shin has repeatedly highlighted the need for the suspension of the CMA.

The agreement was signed on Sept. 19, 2018 to reduce military tensions, prevent accidental clashes and build mutual trust. (Yonhap)