The Korea Herald


[팟캐스트] (600) 하버드비지니스리뷰에 "K-브랜드" 전략 알린 프랑스 교수

By Kim Hae-yeon

Published : July 11, 2024 - 11:06

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David Dubois, a marketing professor at INSEAD (INSEAD) David Dubois, a marketing professor at INSEAD (INSEAD)

진행자: 김혜연, Kevin Lee Selzer

[Herald Interview] INSEAD professor explores power of K-brands’ ‘identity marketing’

기사 요약: HBR에 K-브랜드의 전략적 마케팅 사례 담은 저널 실은 INSEAD David Dubois 교수

[1] The recent success of Korean brands can be attributed to their knack for selling "pieces of identities" and empowering consumers with curated experiences, according to a marketing professor at French business school INSEAD.

*attribute …의 결과로[덕분으로] 보다

*knack (타고난) 재주, (경험으로 익힌) 요령

[2] "Consumers today expect to purchase more than just products from a brand; they seek cultural and social elements. The swift execution of these elements has given rise to many successful K-brands," said David Dubois, an associate professor specializing in data-driven marketing at INSEAD, during a video interview with The Korea Herald on Tuesday.

*seek 찾다, 추구하다

*swift (진행. 움직임이) 빠른, 신속한

[3] Dubois' recent article titled, "Inside the Success of South Korean Brands," was published in the Harvard Business Review on June 20. There, he shares insights into the K-brand phenomenon, unraveling secrets behind the country's burgeoning brand power.

*unravel (이해하기 어려운 것, 매듭 등을) 풀다

*burgeoning 싹트기 시작한, 신흥의, 자라나는

[4] Dubois outlined four key strategies for K-brands' triumph: fast and fun discovery, immersive experiences, experiments through product life cycle and promotion through content creation.

*outline 개요를 서술하다

*life cycle (상품 등이 개발되고 사용되는) 라이프 사이클


[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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