The Korea Herald


[팟캐스트] (441) 11월 인구 자연감소 사상 최대치 기록 / 논란 휩싸인 ‘솔로지옥’ 송지아, 활동 중단

By Korea Herald

Published : Feb. 2, 2022 - 09:01

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YouTuber Song Ji-ah (Hyowon CNC) YouTuber Song Ji-ah (Hyowon CNC)

*진행자: 간형우, Beth Eunhee Hong

1. Natural decline in population hits all-time high in November

요약: 11월 인구 자연감소 사상 최대 기록

[1] South Korea’s monthly decline in population reached the record-high of more than 8,000 in November, with the demographic tally losing by more than 40,000 for the first 11 months of 2021, state data showed Wednesday.

*decline: 감소 (하락, 축소)
*demographic: 인구(통계)학의
*tally: 기록, 합산, 총계

[2] This suggests that government policies to promote marriages and births have lacked efficacy in terms of easing worries over the so-called demographic cliff.

*lack: 부족, 결핍
*efficacy: 효력, 효과
*ease: 편안함, 편하게 해 주다

[3] According to Statistics Korea, the number of births stayed at 19,800 in November. This marked the second-lowest in history since the nation started compiling relevant data, following December 2020 data of 19,641.

*compile: 수집하다, 엮다
*relevant: 관련 있는

[4] The number of deaths came to 28,426 in the month, under which the “natural” decline in population, on-month basis, came to an all-time high of 8,626. But this calculation does not reflect changes in the number of foreign nationals staying in the nation or Koreans residing overseas, which affect the population.

*calculation: 계산
*reflect: 비추다, 반영하다
*reside: 살다, 거주하다

기사 원문:

2. Scandal-ridden Song Ji-ah from Netflix’s ‘Single’s Inferno’ halts activities

기사 요약: 논란 휩싸인 넷플릭스 ‘솔로지옥’ 송지아, 활동 중단

[1] Song Ji-ah, a contestant on Netflix’s latest hit reality dating show “Single’s Inferno,” has decided to halt all public activities amid continued controversy over wearing counterfeit luxury fashion items.

*contestant: (경쟁, 대회의) 참가자
*inferno: 거센 불, 지옥
*halt: 멈추다, 세우다
*counterfeit: 위조의

[2] Song, who is also known as YouTuber FreeZia, uploaded an apology video on YouTube, Tuesday, admitting her misbehaviors. At the same time, she took down all the other videos on her YouTube channel and made her Instagram account private, saying she is taking the time to reflect upon herself.

*admit: 인정하다
*misbehavior: 나쁜 행실

[3] Song recently gained global popularity appearing on “Single’s Inferno,” but then faced backlash for wearing outfits and pieces of jewelry that resembled high-priced brands including Chanel and Dior for the show and in multiple YouTube clips.

*backlash: 반발
*resemble: 닮다

[4] In response to the furore, the YouTuber posted an apology on Instagram last week, admitting the accusations were “partly true.” She also deleted all the posts that contained fake products on the platform. Song, however, continued to face criticism.

*furore: 격분
*accusation: 혐의, 비난
*contain: ~이 들어있다, ~방지하다

기사 원문:

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]


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