The Korea Herald


NPS’ stake in Apple rises to US$142m in H1

By 최희석

Published : Oct. 13, 2016 - 15:54

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[THE INVESTOR] The National Pension Service has been concentrating its overseas investments on IT and pharmaceuticals firms, with Apple seeing the largest investment in the first half of this year, data showed on Oct. 13.

According to the information obtained by Rep. Ki Dong-min of the main opposition Minjoo Party of Korea, Apple shares in NPS’ portfolio increased by the largest margin in the January-June period. The data showed that the NPS purchased US$142 million worth of Apple shares this year, pushing up the total value of Apple shares in its portfolio to US$707 million.

Overall, shares of Alphabet account for the largest chunk of NPS’ overseas stock investments standing at US$910 million at the end of June. Apple shares came in second. 

Along with Alphabet and Apple, six other IT-related companies were among NPS’ 10 largest overseas investments.

Apple was followed by Amazon at US$673 million, Microsoft at US$667 million and Facebook at US$560 million.

By Choi He-suk (