The Korea Herald


S. Korea urges close talks with U.S., Japan over defense guidelines

By KH디지털2

Published : May 19, 2015 - 17:24

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South Korea urged the United States and Japan on Tuesday to continue close consultations with it as they implement their new defense guidelines.

In April, Washington and Tokyo announced they had upgraded their 1978 defense cooperation guidelines, which allows Japan to play a greater military role aboard. It came amid concerns over Japan's possible amendment of its pacifist Constitution and a regional arms race.

"I think the U.S. and Japan need to continue close consultations with our government on issues that link to the security of the Korean Peninsula and our national interests over the course of implementing the guidelines," Seoul's Defense Minister Han Min-koo said during the Asian Leadership Conference hosted by local daily Chosun Ilbo.

Advising Japan "to fully respect the sovereignty of third nations in exercising collective self-defense," the minister also stressed the need "to boost military trust and transparency among Northeast Asian countries" to prevent an excessive arms race and boost regional peace and stability.

Exercising the right to collective self-defense means that Japan can fight alongside its allies even when the country itself is not under attack, causing concerns that it could misuse its military power. Speaking on North Korea's "reckless provocations and threats," Han vowed efforts to further consolidate the Seoul-Washington joint defense posture while being fully prepared for "stern and strong responses" against any of its provocative activities.

"The two nations are making effective deterrence and countermeasures ... and South Korea will build capabilities to neutralize the North's SLBM," the minister said, referring to the reportedly successful test-fire of the North's submarine-based ballistic missile. (Yonhap)