The Korea Herald


Danish hotel flouts the law, reserves floor for women


Published : Nov. 23, 2011 - 13:51

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COPENHAGEN, Nov 22, 2011 (AFP) - A Copenhagen hotel will continue reserving a whole floor for women, despite a recent ruling that doing so is discriminatory and illegal, the hotel director said Tuesday.

Last May, the Bella Sky Hotel in central Copenhagen opened a floor dubbed the Bella Donna with 20 specially decorated rooms for women, and no men allowed.

"The only man who can access this floor will be a fireman in the case of fire," hotel chief Anders Dueland told AFP.

"The rooms are scented and there are flowers. The bathrooms have spacious showers, lots of mirrors and large hair-dryers," he said, adding that the concept so far had been a huge success.

But on November 11, the Danish Gender Equality Board found in favour of a man who had filed a complaint against the hotel, ruling that the initiative was illegal.

Since men are not allowed access to all the rooms, you would have to "presume that there is a difference in treatment based on sex" at the hotel, the board said in its ruling.

Susanne Fischer, an attorney with the board, told AFP that the Bella Sky Hotel would not face "financial sanctions at the moment, because the board does not have the authority to sanction."

Nonetheless, the hotel has been ordered to lift the ban on male access to the Bella Donna floor, and if it fails to do so, the plaintiff could take the case to civil court and demand damages, Fischer said.

"We decide for ourselves who gets to stay at our hotel," Dueland insisted.

"We have 814 other rooms, and there are 20 reserved for women. That means there are 794 rooms for everyone," he said.

"In Denmark, there are running races reserved for women, there are bicycle races reserved for women, there are pools where the changing rooms are just for women or just for men. There are toilets just for women," he said, adding: "Is that discrimination? I just don't understand the (board) ruling."



호텔 여성전용층이 성차별?

호텔에 여성 전용층을 두는 것이 성차별이며 불법이라는 덴마크 성평등 위원회의 결정에도 해당 호텔이 이 방침을 고수하겠다고 밝혀 논란이 일고 있다.

수도 코펜하겐 소재의 벨라 스카이 호텔은 지난 5월 '벨라 도나'라 불리는 20개 객실로 구성된 여성 전용 층을 만들었다.

호텔 지배인 아네르스 두에란은 "오직 불이 났을 때만 소방관(남성)이 올 수 있 다"면서 '여성 전용'이란 개념이 지금까지 큰 성과를 거뒀다고 말했다.

그러나 호텔의 이 같은 방침에 한 남성이 소송을 제기했고, 지난 11일 덴마크 성평등 위원회(Danish Gender Equality Board)는 남성의 손을 들어주면서 호텔 방침에 대해 불법이라는 결정을 내렸다.

위원회는 결정문에서 호텔의 모든 객실을 남성이 접근할 수 없기에 "성(性)에 기반한 차별 대우가 있다고 여길 수 있다"고 밝혔다.

그러나 호텔 지배인은 22일(현지시간) "우리는 814개 객실이 있으며 그 중 20개만 여성을 위한 것"이라면서 "나머지 794개의 객실이 모두를 위한 것"이라고 항변했다.

그는 "덴마크에는 여성을 위한 경마, 자전거 경기, 화장실 등이 있다"면서  "이것도 차별인가? 나는 위원회의 결정을 이해할 수 없다"고 말했다.